One-way ticket
The travel agency on Meineke Street: South America, Columbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Chile
“To South America (West Coast), Columbia-Equador-Bolivia-Peru-Chile”
If advertisements in newspapers reflect the main needs of society, then the Berlin Jüdisches Gemeindeblatt (Jewish Community Paper) from January 1938 can serve as a perfect example of such needs in times of crisis. By January 1938, when the majority of German Jews were preparing for emigration or actively looking for ways to leave the country, advertisements for travel agencies and shipping companies dominated the commercial space of the newspaper. The main destinations of German-Jewish emigrants were Palestine as well as North- and South America.
Leo Baeck Institute – New York | Berlin
Gemeindeblatt der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin, MF B427/ 1
Vol. 28, no. 2: 7