Child Separation and Refugee Crises from the Kindertransport to Today

- Tag/Uhrzeit
- –
- Ort
- Forchheimer Auditorium (map)
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th St.
New York, NY 10011 - Format
- Persönlich
- Eintritt
- Mitglieder von LBI/CJH/Partnerorganisationen, Studierende, Senioren: $5
Allgemein: $10 - Co-Sponsoren
Mark Hetfield, CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and Alex Aleinikoff, Director of the New School’s Zolberg Institute on Migration & Mobility and the former UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, discuss the history of popular opposition to refugees and especially how it has impacted children, from the Kindertransport to the Trump Administration’s child separation policy. NPR’s international correspondent Deborah Amos, who has reported extensively on refugees in the Middle East and across the globe, will moderate the discussion.