Bruno Cassirer (Publishers) Ltd.
Bruno Cassirer founded the Bruno Cassirer (Publishers) Ltd. in London in 1939. His wife Else and his son-in-law George Hill continued the publishing business after his death in 1941.
Cassirer had founded the Bruno & Paul Cassirer, Kunst- und Verlagsanstalt together with his cousin, the gallerist Paul Cassirer, in Berlin in 1898. After the cousins split the company in 1901, Bruno Cassirer continued the publishing business under the name Bruno Cassirer Verlag. The cousins exerted considerable influence on the cultural life in Berlin. After the Machtergreifung in 1933, Cassirer and his business suffered from anti-Semitic backlashes. He immigrated to England with his family shortly after Kristallnacht.
"Bruno Cassirer." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Web. 03 Dec. 2012.
Fischer, Ernst. Verleger, Buchhändler und Antiquare aus Deutschland und Oesterreich in der Emigration nach 1933. Stuttgart: Verband Deutscher Antiquare, 2011.
Price, Stanley, Mansfield Kirby Talley, and Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro, eds. Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. J. Paul. Getty Trust, 1996.

- Location: London, Oxford
- Period: 1939-1990
- Publisher(s): Bruno Cassirer (December 12, 1872, Breslau - October 29, 1941, Oxford)
- Author(s): Max J. Friedländer
- Number of Titles Published: unknown
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