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Kurt Enoch established the Enoch Publishing Co. with the assistance of Henry G. Koppell after his arrival in New York in 1940.

Enoch had worked in the publishing industry since 1922, when he was manager of his father's publishing house Gebr. Enoch und Oscar Enoch, which brought many English and American books to Germany. Enoch immigrated to Paris in 1936 and to the United States in 1940.

After the war, Enoch worked for Penguin Books and served as president of the New American Library of World Literature.

See also: Alliance Book Corporation


Fischer, Ernst. Verleger, Buchhändler und Antiquare aus Deutschland und Oesterreich in der Emigration nach 1933. Stuttgart: Verband Deutscher Antiquare, 2011.

  • Location: New York
  • Period: after 1940-at least 1945
  • Publisher(s): Kurt Enoch (November 22, 1895, Hamburg - February 15, 1982, Puerto Rico); Henry G. Koppell (October 20, 1895, Berlin - December 4, 1964, New York)
  • Number of Titles Published: unknown