Conversation with Zweitzeugen
Obermayer Award Winners

Join us as we chat with winners of the 2023 Obermayer Awards. Learn more about the work, perspectives, and personal motivations of these inspiring people. We'll show a brief film about their work, have an in-depth conversation facilitated by Widen the Circle Executive Director Joel Obermayer, and invite questions from the audience.
Zweitzeugen e.V. (Secondary Witnesses) turns young people into “witnesses” by teaching them the life stories of Holocaust survivors. Zweitzeugen has worked with 37 survivors to date, gathering their stories in great depth and sharing them through multifaceted workshops and various media. The workshops help students as young as 10 develop empathy and an emotional connection with the survivors, as well as stronger perspective on prejudice and hate in the world today.
Join us as we speak with Ruth-Anne Damm, founder, and Nina Taubenreuther, managing director, Zweitzeugen (Secondary Witnesses) e.V.