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Julius Wolfgang Schülein

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Schülein, Julius W., 1881–1970: “Landscape in the Virgin Islands”, 20th century, Leo Baeck Institute Art and Objects Collection, 77.42.

Julius Wolfgang Schülein (1881-1970)


Schülein is famous for painting landscapes in a style that merges characteristics of Impressionism and Expressionism. The range of landscapes reflects the artist’s travels over the years to places like Switzerland, France, Italy, and the Virgin Islands. His frequent trips to Italy and France, which resumed after 1948, especially influenced his works.

He also eagerly included new surroundings in his art. Schülein created the painting while staying in the Virgin Islands. Painting in bold colors, he depicts a figure riding a horse while two other horses graze nearby. Mountains, executed in bold lines, loom against the bright blue sky.

Schulein Map
Philo-Atlas: Handbuch für die jüdische Auswanderung (Philo-Atlas: Manual for Jewish Emigration), Berlin: Philo GmbH, 1938.


Julius Wolfgang Schülein was born in Munich in 1881. Enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, he studied with Hugo von Habermann. Schülein continued his education in Paris at “La Palette”, where he met his wife and fellow artist Suzanne Carvallo. Back in Munich, he became a co-founder of the New Secession, an association of artists who exhibited works of the European Avant-Garde. During the next two decades, Schülein lived and worked in Berlin and Munich, attracted by the two cities’ vibrant art life. When the Nazi party rose to power in 1933, Schülein and his wife fled to Paris and then to Lisbon, where they embarked on a ship to New York in 1941. Schülein had his first American exhibition in 1945 at M. Knoedler & Co, one of the oldest art galleries in the United States.