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Gottfried Bermann Fischer and Fritz H. Landshoff founded the L. B. Fischer Publishing Corp. in New York in 1941. They published exile authors living in the United States, including works by Beer-Hofmann and Thomas Mann, and classics of German literature. The corporation dissolved after the war. Overall, the L. B. Fischer Publishing Corp. published 64 works of 141 authors from 21 countries.

Bermann Fischer, originally trained in medicine, had first joined the S. Fischer Verlag in Berlin in 1925. He was in charge of the press' general operations. He subsequently fled to Vienna, where he continued to publish important works of German and Austrian literature, including books by Döblin, Hofmannsthal and Schnitzler, under the imprint of Bermann-Fischer Verlag. After the Anschluss, he left Austria, eventually arriving in New York in 1940.

Landshoff had received his PhD in German literature and worked in publishing in Potsdam. In 1933, he fled to Switzerland and then Amsterdam, where he became director of the German-language Querido Verlag. He was also involved in the establishment of the Alliance Book Corporation in New York.

See also: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, L. B. Fischer Corp. - Publishing in Exile Exhibition and Querido Verlag


Fischer, Ernst. Verleger, Buchhändler und Antiquare aus Deutschland und Österreich in der Emigration nach 1933. Stuttgart: Verband Deutscher Antiquare, 2011.

Hench, John B. Books as Weapons: Propaganda, Publishing, and the Battle for Global Markets in the Era of World War II. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2010.

Krohn, Claus-Dieter. Exilforschung: Ein internationales Jahrbuch, Volume 18. München: Edition Text+Kritik, 2000.

Palmier, Jean-Michel. Weimar in Exile: The Antifascist Emigration in Europe and America. London: Verso, 2006.

Prinke, Tobias. "Fritz H. Landshoff: Die Verlegerpersönlichkeit der deutschen Exil-Literatur." haGalil, 2004. Web. 03 Dec. 2012.

L. B. Fischer Publishing Corporation
  • Location: New York
  • Period: 1941-1946
  • Publisher(s): Gottfried Bermann Fischer (January 31, 1897, Gleiwitz/ Upper Silesia - September 17, 1995, Camaiore/ Italy); Fritz Helmut Landshoff (July 29, 1901, Berlin - March 30, 1988, Haarlem/ NL)
  • Main Focus: Young American writers; Exile literature in English; English translations of classic German literature
  • Author(s): E.E. Cummings, Richard Beer-Hofmann, Heinrich Heine, Norman Mailer, Klaus Mann, Thomas Mann, Leopold Schwarzschild, Franz Werfel, Tennessee Williams, Richard Wright
  • Number of Titles Published: 64
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