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Biographical/Historical Information

Moritz Rosenfeld was born on March 9, 1876, in Gajar, Hungary. He studied in Berlin and Bern, where he received his doctor of philosophy degree. His doctoral thesis was entitled "Der Midrasch Deuteronomium rabba Par. IX und XI, 2-10, über den Tod Moses." In addition to several other publications, Rosenfeld also contributed to the Jüdisches Lexikon. He worked as a rabbi in Vienna and also as a professor of Jewish religion from 1912 until his retirement in 1931.

In 1939, he emigrated to Santiago, where he again worked as a rabbi. He was a co-founder of the board of Jewish education in Santiago (Vaad Hajinuj de Chile), for which he also worked as a school inspector. He died on September 9, 1951, in Santiago.

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Moritz Rosenfeld, Leo Baeck Institute, F 2914.