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Biographical/Historical Information

Rudolf Mosse was born in Grätz (now Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Poland) in 1843. He attended school in Lissa but never finished. He worked at a bookstore in Posen and then as a publishing apprentice in Leipzig and Berlin. In 1867, he estbablished a newspaper advertising agency in Berlin, which eventually expanded to numerous cities in Germany and abroad. He founded the newspaper "Berliner Tageblatt" in 1871 and went on to acquire several other newspapers. In 1873, he married Emilie Loewenstein and adopted Felicia (neé Marx) soon after. Mosse was also known for his philanthropic work. With the changed social and economic situation in Germany after the First World War, he withdrew from public life and died on September 8, 1920 in Schenkendorf, Germany.

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Artist Unknown.: Portrait of Rudolf Mosse, Leo Baeck Institute, 98.76.