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Biographical/Historical Information

After politician Matthias Erzberger was assassinated in 1921, Heinrich Brüning became a prominent member of the Catholic Centre (Zentrum) Party. Brüning was appointed as interim Reich Chancellor from March 1930 to June 1932, where he proposed two presidential cabinets. Brüning's well-intentioned austerity policy, the banning of the Sturmabteilung (SA) and the Schutzstaffel (SS) groups, and an East Prussian settler program drew the ire of the two right-wing parties (the KPD and NSDAP). President Hindenburg dismissed Brüning, who resigned in 1932.

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Brüning der Freiheit und Ordnung letztes Bollwerk, Leo Baeck Institute, r (f) DD 232.5 A7 1963 [IV.22].