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Biographical/Historical Information

This poster, by the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei (NSDAP), is meant to signify the growing number of unemployed in Germany-- in 1929: 2.8 million, 1930: 4.4 million, 1931: 5.7 million, 1932: 5.8 million, winter 1932/1933: 6 million. This results in a favorable climate for the rise of the right-wing parties. After Hitler gave a speech at the Industrial Club in Düsseldorf in January 1932, industry leaders donated significantly to the Nazi election campaign. Meanwhile, the Communist Party of German does not benefit from the same level of support.

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Mjölnir: Unsere letzte Hoffnung: Hitler, Leo Baeck Institute, r (f) DD 232.5 A7 1963 [IV.16].