Professional Development Workshop: Theresienstadt Lesson Plans
For High School

Nazi Propaganda
Grades: 9-12
Authors: Jessica McAuliffe & Victoria Kessler, Educational Consultants

Grades: 9-12
Authors: Lisa Bauman & Kim Klett, Educational Consultants

Grades: 9-12
Authors: Sean D. Gaston & Jennifer L. Goss, Educational Consultants

Grades: 9-12
Authors: Colleen Tambuscio & Sonya Bertini, Educational Consultants
A Project of The Defiant Requiem Foundation & the Leo Baeck Institute
On November 5, 2023, LBI held a workshop with eight educators who presented drafts of their ready-to-use lessons plans devoted to Theresienstadt based on materials from LBI collections. The teachers, all experienced Holocaust educators from across the US, based their lesson plans on materials from LBI collections and the LBI exhibit: Last Stop Before the Last Stop: Theresienstadt, 1941–1945. The lesson plans are designed to engage high school students in critical readings of primary sources to illuminate the themes of propaganda, childhood, transit, and resistance.
The teachers presented their final lesson plans during a virtual Professional Development Workshop on Monday, January 29, 2024, attended by over 100 teachers.
This initiative was a partnership with Defiant Requiem Foundation, an organization that uses the story of cultural life in the Theresienstadt Ghetto to illuminate the role of art and music in resistance and response to contemporary challenges.
All lesson plans are available for download.

Participating Educators
Jessica McAuliffe & Victoria Kessler
Lisa Bauman & Kim Klett
Sean D. Gaston & Jennifer L. Goss
Colleen Tambuscio & Sonya Bertini