Project Funding
The Leo Baeck Institute acknowledges the following institutions for providing major support to the LBI's projects and programs.

Auswärtiges Amt
The Federal Foreign Office is a federal cabinet-level ministry responsible for both the Germany's foreign policy and its relationship with the European Union. The Foreign Office provides funds approved by the German Bundestag for LBI projects related to the acquisition and preservation of collections related to German-Jewish History and to make them accessible to the public.

Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend — “Demokratie Leben!”
“Live Democracy!” is a federal program launched by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. It supports many initiatives, associations and committed citizens who are actively working towards their aim of a diverse, non-violent and democratic society. The program provides support for the 1938Projekt.

Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung
The Federal Agency for Civic Education is a federal public authority providing citizenship education and information on political issues for all people in Germany. It has provided support for the 1938Projekt and the Shared History Project.

Further Forward Foundation
The Further Forward Foundation is a private foundation based in Harvard, Massachusetts that has provided support for the 1938Projekt and the Shared History Project.

Koret Foundation
The Koret Foundation is a private foundation based in San Francisco, committed to strengthening the Bay Area community and nurturing the continuity of the Jewish people worldwide. It has provided support for the exhibition Kindertransport—Rescuing Children from the Brink of War.

Schwarzkopf Stiftung Junges Europa
The non-partisan Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe was founded by Pauline Schwarzkopf in 1971 in Hamburg. The foundation´s mission is to empower young people from all backgrounds to be active European citizens who contribute to a pluralistic, democratic society through their engagement and opinions, leading to mutual understanding, solidarity and peaceful collaboration across Europe. It has provided support for the 1938Projekt.

Stiftung Erinnerung Verantwortung Zukunft
In remembrance of the victims of National Socialist injustice, the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future works to promote human rights and understanding between peoples. It also upholds its commitment to the survivors. The Foundation is thus an expression of the continuing political and moral responsibility of the state, industry and society for the wrongs committed in the name of National Socialism. The Foundation EVZ has provided support for the 1938Projekt.

Stiftung Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
The German Resistance Memorial Center is a site of remembrance, political studies, active learning, documentation, and research. An extensive permanent exhibition, a series of temporary special exhibitions, events, and a range of publications document and illustrate resistance to National Socialism. It has provided support for the 1938Projekt.

A project by the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe, Yerusha virtually unites Jewish documentary heritage from across Europe. Yerusha has supported LBI's survey of Jewish archives in Bukovina and Transylvania.

Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland
The Central Council of Jews in Germany is an umbrella organization for 23 regional associations and 105 Jewish Communities with about 100,000 members, and it works to represent their political and social interests. The Council is the discussion partner for the Federal government and the governments of the Bundesländer on all matters that affect Germany's Jewish community. The Council has provided support for the 1938Projekt.