

Pantheon Books


Verlag der Johannespresse

Pazifische Presse
Pazifische Presse
Felix Guggenheim & Ernst Gottlieb

The Pazifische Presse, which they co-founded in 1942, produced 11 books before it closed in 1948. Works by Lion Feuchtwanger, Franz Werfel, Bruno Frank, Leonhard Frank, Alfred Neumann, Alfred Döblin, and Thomas Mann were issued in deluxe editions that appealed to collectors. Several of their titles were new, unpublished works; the rest consisted of shorter pre-publications of parts of larger works. All were printed in small runs of a few hundred copies, mainly for subscriptions. The press' ideal was to support German high culture in fine printings.


Photograph of Kurt Wolf (left) and Jacques Schiffrin (right) in the 1940s at the tiny office of Pantheon Books in Wolff's apartment on Washington Square.
Courtesy of Christian Wolff.