
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7


Part 6: New Home Palestine


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In 1922, at the peak of his artistic career in Europe, Hermann Struck and his wife Mally left Germany to settle in Haifa, Palestine. This decision was prompted by the anti-Jewish attitudes Struck encountered in the German army as well as the growing anti-Jewish sentiments throughout Germany. After Germany?s crushing defeat in 1918 many Germans blamed Jews accusing them of shirking their patriotic duty by not serving in the army or avoiding to serve at the front. (Statistics to disprove both accusations were suppressed). But for Struck the decisive factor was his encounter with East-European Jews which convinced him that the only solution for improving the status of Jews throughout Europe was a Jewish homeland in Palestine.


Hermann Struck
The Dead Sea
Watercolor, 1934


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